Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Inc.

SAHO/SGEU Bargaining Update April 22, 2024

SAHO/SGEU Bargaining Update April 22, 2024

The SAHO Bargaining Committee met with SGEU on January 16 and 17, 2024, in Saskatoon, then virtually on February 27 and 28, 2024, and in Prince Albert on April 2, 3, and 4, 2024.

Meeting virtually in February was a great success that allowed the parties to maximize productivity while ensuring participation from all committee members.

Over the course of these meetings the parties continued to engage in meaningful and positive conversations to fully understand each other’s proposal packages. Both SAHO and SGEU have provided a comprehensive response to each other’s proposal packages. Discussions have resulted in agreement on some matters and the parties have identified some transition issues related to a single health authority and/or where alignment with their union counterparts may require joint discussion.

SAHO remains committed to a fair and productive bargaining process with the intent to ensure all employees in over 300 classifications covered by the three (3) provider union collective agreements have equitable opportunities and maintain the internal equity that is a hallmark of previous agreements. The SAHO Bargaining Committee continues to work towards common solutions to common issues while maintaining the integrity of the collective agreements. It is recognized many of the issues may have monetary implications and the long recognized practice at these tables is to have these items negotiated at a common table.

A virtual presentation on the Primary Health Network framework was held on April 11, 2024, for all of the Provider Unions. This was an opportunity for CUPE, SEIU-West and SGEU to engage and ask questions about this province-wide initiative.

SGEU and SAHO are meeting regularly with the next dates scheduled for May 14, 15, and 16, 2024 in Prince Albert.

Union/SGEU April 22, 2024