Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Inc.

SAHO/SEIU-West Bargaining Update Nov. 27, 2023

SAHO/SEIU-West Bargaining Update Nov. 27, 2023

SEIU-West and SAHO met in Saskatoon November 21 and 22, 2023.

The parties are at early stages of negotiations and the discussions were both positive and productive and in the spirit of understanding each others proposals. This round of collective bargaining is especially important to the employers covered by the SAHO/SEIU-West collective agreement as it is both renewal and transition bargaining (shifting agreements from 12 regional health authority employers to one employer, the Saskatchewan Health Authority).

SAHO remains committed to a fair and productive bargaining process with the intent to ensure all employees in over 300 common classifications covered by three (3) collective agreements have equitable opportunities and maintain the internal equity that is a hallmark of previous agreements. Our proposal package maintains the integrity of the three provider unions while we seek common solutions to common issues. We have a long recognized practice at these tables of negotiating monetary and non-monetary issues at a single common table.

The next bargaining dates with SEIU-West are December 19 and 20, 2023 in Saskatoon.

Union/SEIU-West November 27, 2023