SAHO/SGEU Bargaining Update January 14, 2025
SAHO and SGEU met in Saskatoon for bargaining on January 7, 8, and 9th, 2025.
The parties continued respectful and productive dialogue resulting in further exchanges of proposals, withdrawing of some proposals and agreement on an issue. SGEU presented SAHO with a revised list that identifies which employer proposals they agree are transition issues. There is more work to be done on this issue, but some headway was made.
Since the initial exchange of proposals with SGEU in the fall of 2023, SAHO has emphasized the need to move proposals that are related to the amalgamation of the twelve former Regional Health Authorities into to a single employer to a common table. Addressing transition issues would be best served with all three (3) provider unions at the same table. This will provide a forum to find alignment and equitable resolutions to the transition issues as well as the standard common issues like compensation. SAHO has been consistent in raising these issues; however, to date it is the only organization that has expressed any urgency to begin transition negotiations.
SAHO remains committed to a fair and transparent bargaining process. It is our intent that all employees in the 300 plus common classifications covered by three (3) collective agreements, maintain internal equity for monetary and non-wage monetary terms and conditions and benefit equally in the opportunities of a new single employer. The SAHO proposal package seeks to maintain the integrity of the three provider unions while finding common solutions to common issues. The transition to a single employer impacts all employees working in these common classifications regardless of union jurisdiction and should be considered jointly and collaboratively, much like discussions relating to the joint job evaluation program, the market supplement program or monetary compensation. The pace of these negotiations would be greatly assisted by having some of these discussions with all three provider union partners in the same forum.
SAHO’s proposals are constructed to address those issues and ensure that employees have options to exercise their seniority provincially while maintaining benefits and accruals. There is a desire to provide employees the ability to maximize hours and create meaningful employment which may include working in a neighboring union jurisdiction. This can be achieved without any interference with union jurisdiction or membership and enables improvements for employees and the patients, residents and clients they serve.
SAHO and SGEU are scheduled to bargain next on February 19, 20, 21, 2025, in Prince Albert.
Union/SGEU January 31, 2025
Bargaining Updates
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