Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Inc.

SAHO/CUPE Bargaining Update May 13, 2024

SAHO/CUPE Bargaining Update May 13, 2024

The SAHO Bargaining Committee met with CUPE March 19, 20 & 21, 2024 and April 30, May 1 & 2, 2024 in Regina

Since the initial exchange of proposals with CUPE in the Fall of 2023, discussions continue to be positive and productive. The parties have reached agreement on some proposals, had meaningful exchanges on other proposals and continued to work together with progress being made. This round of collective bargaining is the first opportunity for transition negotiations to recognize the amalgamation of the twelve former Regional Health Authorities into a single provincial health authority as well as addressing important issues for renewal of the collective agreement. SAHO’s proposals are constructed to ensure that employees can optimize their hours, and the employer can create meaningful employment as well as improving flexibility to meet patient needs.

SAHO remains committed to a fair and transparent bargaining process. It is our intent that all employees in over 300 common classifications covered by three (3) collective agreements have equitable opportunities, maintain internal equity for monetary and non-wage monetary terms and conditions and benefit equally in the new single provincial health authority. The SAHO proposal package maintains the integrity of the three provider unions while we seek common solutions to common issues. SAHO and the Provider Unions have a long-recognized practice of negotiating monetary and common issues at a single table.

It is recognized that the opportunity to find alignment and equitable resolutions to transition issues may be best served by having these discussions with all three (3) provider unions at the same table. CUPE and SAHO have discussed transition issues related to recognition of a single health authority and have identified where issues may require joint discussion with SEIU-West and SGEU.

SAHO believes that having discussions at a single common table would likely assist in moving the negotiations forward in a timelier manner.

The next bargaining dates with CUPE are June 4, 5 and 6, 2024 in Saskatoon.

Union/CUPE May 17, 2024